The Year 6 Journey

Y6 teachers shared with parents key information about what will be going on in Year 6 over the year.
The move into Y6 can be daunting – but it really doesn’t have to be! Being in Y6 truly is the most memorable time in your child’s primary education.
What will my child do in Year 6?
As in all other year groups, Year 6 follows statutory schemes of learning set down by the government. Children are assessed at the end of the year as to whether they have met the ‘expected’ national standard.
1. Key Stage 2 SATs - at the end of the year, pupils complete SATs (standardised assessment tests) to determine whether they have met the ‘expected’ level in English and Maths.
2. A broad and balanced curriculum – children continue to study a wide range of subjects, which are equally as important. In Y6 History, children study the Vikings and World War 2. Science topics include electricity, evolution and inheritance, the circulatory system, classification and light.
3. Moving on up - a big part of Y6 is preparing and being ready both academically and emotionally for the move up to high school.