School Opening Hours
Our school day starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:30pm. This means we are open for a total of 33 hours and 20 mins in a typical week (which is over the statutory 32.5 hours required).
Morning registration time is at 8.50am. We expect pupils to arrive at school promptly for this. The school gates are open from 8.40am. Afternoon registration is at 1.15pm.
However, our pupils can be seen arriving at school from 8:00 if they are coming to attend 'Early Birds' (our Breakfast Club - fee applied). Early Birds is run by our school staff from 8:00 – 8:45am. Children choose a wide variety of activities to take part in: sports, IT activities, construction and crafts, team games and many more. We have between 20 and 30 children attending the club most mornings, some are regulars attending every day, some attend 2-3 days every week and others attend on a more ad-hoc basis depending on parents’ shift work or meetings. Parents book for their child to attend Early Birds through the online booking system.
We also run after-school care which is called 'Night Owls' (fee applied) and can be booked through the booking system. Night Owls is run by school staff from 3.30 - 5.45pm. It does not run on the last day of each term. Please enquire at the school office for more details.